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We are Simply the Best, Baby!

We are simply the best for many reasons, but one of them is most definitely our wonderful agents. Our agents are well-versed in how to help their clients reach their real estate goals. Each one of our agents gives a unique point of view and skill set as well. In real estate, agents are known to take their work “home” with them. That means, they are working hard for their clients to make sure nothing falls through the cracks. It also means that family is sometimes integrated into what they are doing, too. In a way, we think of our BST Realty LLC team as family. And, we are simply the best, baby! We are there for each other, and we help cheer one another on when there is a success. When one shines, we all shine!

Simply the Best, Baby!
Erica Rumpca, broker, with her little helper!

Our Awesome Agents

Our agents care about their clients and are fierce negotiators. In a hot market like we are in right now, it’s good to have an agent who knows how to guide you on how to best present your offer as well as connect you with valuable resources to make the most informed decisions. If you’re a Buyer and a bit nervous about making the leap into homeownership, we have agents that can teach you about the real estate process and help you at each step in the journey. If you’re a Seller who has owned a few homes, we also have agents who understand how best to showcase your home to reach the goal you’re wanting to achieve.

Are you an investor? We also have agents experienced in selling rental homes as well as commercial real estate. Not only that, but we also provide property management services. At BST Realty LLC, we’ve got you covered. We are simply the best in real estate. In fact, we just won an award for Gold Best Real Estate Company for Best in the Willamette Valley. Let’s get started on this journey together and make your home dreams a reality!

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